Maybe this is my attempt to be who I want to be. I think that if you present yourself in this medium you can either lie and be someone totally new and different (the person you want to be) or you can become the person you profess yourself to be when you have those little conversations with yourself during the quiet times at night (the person you should be)…
So, if I were to start placing tags on me should someone want 4-5 words to delineate who I am and whether any of these makes me worth investigating, then these would be the ones:
These items are most important to because:
As a nudist I am not able to live my life as I see fit and this is a predominant issue in my life because there are so many obstructions in my wanting to live that way. I think that the human body (and I mean every body) is beautiful, something to be celebrated and that nakedness is nothing to be ashamed of. This is a huge part of who I am and what I believe - I feel that if I should want to go to the store naked I should be able to do so without any ramifications and since I consider nude activism a plausible way to work towards these rights, I assumed that I should be open about this. I only reference my orientation (not preference but orientation) because it does NOT dominate my life. I do not segregate myself from those who have a different orientation or gravitate towards only those people which share the same orientation; I mention my being gay only because I want to be open in the event that someone should query this or feel that knowing my sexuality is a prerequisite before navigating up and down the pages of my little corner of the web. I am a loner and I try to determine why I isolate myself on a daily basis - my hope I that in some way this electronic "exposure" may have some answers for me and allow be to be a more social person, although I believe I have buried myself into a corner because I have not been totally comfortable with announcing that I was a gay, naked, agnostic, quasi-liberal before today. Religion (or lack thereof) is an intrinsic segment of many peoples lives - I acknowledge, possibly even envy, people who have found their god or their beliefs and live by their sacraments trying make this world a better place; I cannot condone people who have found their god and believe me to be a lesser person for not having the same god or persons who feel that all others must have the same god as well or be condemned to an eternal hell complete with fire and brimstone. I do believe that if there is a god that this god would be joy and love and acceptance and caring and compassion and understanding and if your god isn't like this I really don't think I want to get to know him. I say that I am a quasi-liberal only because I am tired of the need to define myself as fitting into any one of the many political parties. I believe many things that fit into one or more of these pre-defined political buckets and I am sure that as this blog progresses many of these ideologies will float to the surface solely for the benefit of me being able to preach from my new electronic soapbox...