I have to admit I was a little discerned when a blog search of nudist presented me with more than three pages of blogs which had entries posted that referenced news articles in which Florida nudists had petitioned for the right to vote naked. I have to tell you (maybe I don’t) that the blogs I referenced either had a negative view or made a mockery of the request and I have yet to stumble onto one blog that made a positive comment about the effort made within the sunshine state.
OK - I’ve lied to you, I found some but all of those were comments made on nudist’s blogs, I never, ever found a positive comment made on the topic in a blog that was NOT written by a nudist or naturist - forgive me for not being journalistically accurate in attempting to make my point…
After I stopped cursing hard-core textiles for their limited views I started to really think about the situation; I believe that the Florida residents that took up the good fight knew they would not get their request approved, but it occurred to me that maybe these people realize that new battles like this must be taken on every day in order for us to maintain what little ground we currently have! Daily when I look for articles that might be relevant to the rights of nudists I see editorials that continually challenge what small freedoms we have yet almost never hear of new or broadened privileges, increased land access, or decreased fear of retribution and reprisal. When our right to be active in a clothes-free environment is called into question and that activity is challenged when it is on private land or in your own home, then people like the good naked citizens of Florida have no other option than to bring something new to the legislative table in order to keep the jackals at bay.
My hats off to the Floridians that fought for this because they did it not only for themselves but for me as well when I really didn’t realize it was my battle they were fighting, and my acceptance of the 30+ bloggers because even though I didn’t agree with or appreciate their comments they did keep the discussion going.
Maybe just one person out there realized the true battle that was being waged with this campaign and is reconsidering their position, even if they weren’t verbal about it.
And who knows, I just might get to vote President Obama into his second term when I’m buck-ass naked…