Or so I thought.
Everyday I scan my inbox looking for something of value - something that tells me that we are making headway with our rights or at least that our wants and needs are being vocalized in a manner that presents us as deserving individuals. I look for news that we’re wishing and fighting for privileges that allow us broader freedoms, allowing us to think of something other than immediately needing to lower the blinds in our own homes before we take off our tops and bottoms.
These days my inbox is filled with stories of the latest NBA player whose nude cell photo has made its way from an admirer’s phone onto the internet or the ingénue’s public statement that either she’s so liberal she’d do a nude scene in her next movie or else that she’s too moral to ever consider it.
Not really nudist news if you ask me.
I keep looking for press releases from local, national, and international nudist organizations about growing enrollments, about what they recognize as the next lost liberty, about the latest beach to lose nude status, and coverage about the man seen naked in his own home being charged with indecent exposure and jailed.
I’ve stated before that we should all consider joining nudist and naturist organizations and I still feel this way. It may be difficult for many to find one they fully agree with or one that they feel represents their type of nudism. It may be hard as a home-nudist when you feel that aligning with a public organization doesn’t yield any personal benefits and even more it may cause feelings that a personal threshold has been crossed, and sometimes that’s a very scary thing. But I suggest that we use these organizations for two reasons; we use them as a vehicle for each and every one of us to be counted as a woman or man that requires certain rights that we feel are currently not available to us (or are being eroded slightly every day), and that we ask these organizations become cohesive with one another in representing us more publicly in order for a stronger voice to be heard. I know in this day and age $20.00, $30.00, or $50.00 is often needed for food or utilities or that there may be concerns about taking your own personal nudism to the next step in participating with any organization in any manner, but I think we must join and then we must start the public dialogue.
We have to join hands and unite voices, and whether we do so with our real names and faces and bodies or we do so with aliases via the internet, we collectively have to fight for our rights while preventing the few we have from slipping from our hands.
Now, the next time I see some real news about us I’ll pass it your way…