Over the course of a couple of years I’ve been able to interact with others socially a number of times naked, and more and more I seem to be the eldest participant. When I realize this I often wonder if I should gracefully back away from the group and just put my pants on - for some reason or another I often find myself pondering that maybe I should just this leave kind of recreation to the firmer, shapelier, tauter 20-somethings, because we’ve all heard this before: “nudists are never the people that you want to see naked”.
Does age matter when you want to be naked? I know that when I see an older person at a nude beach I think it’s a wonderful thing. I think older bodies are beautiful; each wrinkle and line shows another experience in his or her life, whether good or bad, that this person was able to maneuver and survive. That person’s ability to shed their clothes regardless of how their body looks is a testament to core beliefs and self-assurance, and with age comes wisdom; talk to this person and you get stories and history - little pearls that you can use yourself later in life.
I was looking at pictures of me at one of these gatherings and I stand out - it’s not the tattoos or the metal or my height. I’m not the only bald guy, the only skinny guy, but I am the oldest guy. As the oldest person I sat back and thought that if I were missing from the picture it might appear more natural somehow, and that with me included it almost seems as though I was an outsider trying to fit in.
I don’t know what this all means. Maybe I need to be less of a nudist trying to be naked anytime I can, wherever I can. Should I now confine myself to interacting with nudists my own age in more acceptable places - that little group on the beach surrounded by all the young bucks and does, or do I need to work harder at looking “good” for my age?
I think these must be the questions that all nudists and naturists must ask themselves - I guess for the most part these are the questions that we all ask ourselves as we get older.
I’m going to try very hard to be one of those “seniors” that we see on the beach - the older man or woman that seems not to have a care in the world regardless of a little sagging and creasing. I also need to figure out why age or a little extra weight seems to weigh heavy on mind when I always profess the opposite to others.
Maybe I just need to find more people my age that don’t care about wrinkles and gravity and don’t mind being a little out of place in the picture…