I sold a house
I moved into an apartment
I bought another house
I started to rebuild the house (it’s a dump)
A new position at work
My company was then acquired
That company was acquired
All told it’s been a busy year but I had to think - how did all of what transpired in that time take precedence over my pursuit of a naked lifestyle? In that time everything else I was focused on, all of the daily and weekly events, all of the mundane and not-so-mundane tasks pushed my wanting to be nude alone, to be naked with others, and my investigation of social nudism right out the window.
I began to think that nudism in some respects is hard work; we all have to overcome aspects of who and what we are. I suffer from periods of self-loathing and that restricts my social nudism and believe it or not I have an extremely difficult time making and keeping friends (always my fault, not theirs), which stunts my ability to sometimes reach out and meet others willing to share and create old and new experiences. Dusting and grocery shopping, bills and homework, landscaping, birthdays, the dentist, they all forced my private and social naked experiences into the boxes with all of the crap I’ve moved twice over the past two years.
I logged in today and see people on the internet sharing experiences in being naked, living freely - those who have the time and conviction in posting video interviews relaying their convictions on nudity, sharing little blurbs of what it’s like to walk down the street naked in San Francisco, or just those who invite us to an overview of their home nudism and welcome us briefly into a world that seems so easy and innocent and unscripted - just the way it should be.
I have to stop making this so difficult on myself and in some way I need to make this less of an event and more of an everyday part of my life; as simple and routine as brushing my teeth or making sure the garbage is down at the curb every Thursday. These days it actually seems easier for me to get dressed for the day than it does for me to be naked and that is wrong - yes weather and work and feeling like a pudgy 50-year old all take toll, but when you add it all up these are all just excuses and they need to be dealt with.
Over the next couple of weeks I hope to sort this all out again. It’s getting warmer in Denver and I’m demolishing my basement; if anyone wants to do a little naked demo let me know, it’ll help to break this nasty trend I’ve been in.
Oh -are there any naked Heating and Cooling experts out there?